Nebra Sky Disk

This is a bronze disk that is about 30 centimeters in diameter and was found in Germany and dated back to about 1600 BC. The conclusions typically drawn as to what the designer had in mind is underestimated. The image was imported into ACAD and all marks are extremely precise.  The reader has to decide whether the marks fit the intentions of the artist.

Background image by Anagoria at English version Wikipedia

Any two points or data events determine a straight line.  If a third or fourth event occurs on the same line, then one would normally conclude that the artist made that happen for some purpose. For example, on the bottom of the image there are four small circles sloping down to the right.  An exact line is drawn from left center to right center.  One can see the two central circles are tangent to that line. Just above those circles is another line that starts on the left at the center and runs tangent to three circles to the right. Between is a third line that runs center to center and then tangent to a circle right at the midpoint. Being tangent is one thing, but the point of contact being right at the midpoint suggests design intent.

There is a 90 degree angle between the aforementioned 4 point near horizontal yellow line and a near vertical red line initiating out of the common left circle. It would seem very unlikely that this is an accident.

In the same image it is expanded to show how the circles on the right angle row and column connect so precisely thru the center of the “sun circle” as mainstream archeology tends to call it. It is totally impossible for such an array of connectivity to happen by accident. This is proof positive that the artistic effort was real and very comprehensive.

Perhaps one would think this would be an easy task for somebody with a computer (not widely known to exist in 1600 BC) in modern times.  This image provides an easy means to draw the lines and show what was produced in the original object.  But to set this up even using a modern computer with somebody of exceptional computer skills would be extremely difficult and time consuming, if not impossible. What this analysis shows is that not only are there these connectivity issues, but then the dimensionless ratios of lines bisected by the center of the sun circle produce amazing mathematical results.

Even if one could produce this image on a computer, how would you transfer it to the actual object? My current theory is that nothing was measured and the artist constructed the whole affair using his psychic connections with his own subconscious mind which connects to “God knows what”.

To study the image in more detail, one needs to import it into your computer picture software and zoom it up with the center mouse wheel. These are the simple noteworthy observations that do not require any mathematical experience of the reader.

Scale Factor

It is widely published that the overall diameter of the disk is about 30 centimeters. But that is referencing the outside diameter which is actually an ellipse and not a circle. By measuring the ACAD image (not the one above) and assuming the horizontal diameter was about 30 centimeters, an approximate scale was found and listed in the top left corner in yellow.

From other work, it was known that the ancients liked to use the conjugate dimensionless ratio to signal design intentions. In that process it was noted that the numerator (sum of x + y) used a simple function to yield 1.71875 or 440 cps divided by 256 or 2 ^(8).(halved 8 times). The difference (x – y) or denominator in the conjugate ratio, uses a slightly different function to yield the same number.  The precision was astounding at over 5 digits.

This mathematical process now provided a very accurate scale factor for measuring the other lines, circles and mathematical relationships.

In the upper right portion of the disk is a group of seven circles often thought to reference the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades Constellation in spite of the fact that it does not remotely look like the stars even with the naked eye on a clear mountain top night. It is obvious that it doesn’t represent a true hexagon either.

In some articles there is the suggestion that the Pleiades are constantly moving and the hexagon shape was what was seen in 1600 BC.  However, below is the comparison of what Galileo saw in 1600s AD with a modern photograph imported into ACAD. In some 400 years the constellation hasn’t changed much. And Galileo had no help from cameras and was just making a free hand sketch which could account for all of the differences in the two figures below.

It seems mind boggling that so many of mainstream archeologists could buy into the scheme that the below figure could possibly be what astronomers and astrologers saw 3000 years earlier.  It becomes obvious from mathematical analysis that the hexagon has far more dignity than the wild guess of representing the Pleiades.

Let me repeat that the circles, leg lengths and geometry are absolutely precisely drawn.  One just needs to decide as to whether the original artist used that particular mathematical scheme. There is no reason to believe that even in modern times such a diagram could be created by humans and their computers, but we can use our abilities to study creations by others. 

Below is a partial chart of the above angles in a format to compare the ratio of all six angles with each other.  The sum of the first four in yellow used as the input to the Sine Function, then taken to the fourth power yields 5 digits of pi.  The sum of the last two in green divided by 8 yields 5 digits of the cube root of 10,000. A typical equation would then be (ang80 + ang91)/8 = 21.5443 where the objective is to find ang80 and ang91 as part of a mathematical model. There are more than enough equations to solve for all six angles precisely in cooperation with the mathematical model.  This suggests that the group was a design intention and not just a haphazard group of circles. One must remember that savants typically make huge mathematical calculations without a conscious clue as to how they did it.

The sorted dimensionless ratios below indicate partial results.


Sum(yellow) take sine ^4
ave whole chart x 2
cube root 10,000

 A similar approach can be taken to solve for all the lengths of the hexagon as well as the radii from the central circle to the outer hexagon circles. It is clearly not what we would normally call a “regular hexagon”. In modern times there is what is called a “storm” on the top of the planet Saturn this is pretty close to a regular hexagon some 20,000 miles across. And Saturn has at least four large moons which might be associated with the hexagon at some time in the future. There is much about the order of magnetic fields that could produce something like that.

The image below shows how the hexagon, moon and other features are connected geometrically.  The crescent shape is clearly the moon seen from earth about 4 days into the new moon cycle.  The large gold figure cannot be the sun as it is impossible for the sun to be to the left of the crescent moon no matter which way the earth rotated. Therefore, the conclusion here is that the large gold feature is the earth and the connecting lines may represent “planet positions” in relation to the 12 times per year that the 4th day new moon occurs.

The image below has the added features showing how connecting lines reflect off the moon crescent and also off the outer rim crescent shape. Note the yellow dashed lines.  One constructs a “reflection” by making the angle incoming off the radius the same as the reflected line going down to other features.  One notes that the two upper lines are very nearly parallel. The angle between them is 1/(10^(1/3) degrees which supports the model.

The bottom crescent often called the “boat” is connected to the hexagonal group via the blue tee shape that uses the cord of the “boat” shape and the perpendicular from the midpoint to pass tangent to two circles in the hexagonal pattern.  Lines from two hexagonal circles reflect off the bottom crescent similar to the yellow lines off the moon and outer crescents.

The upper blue leg is nearly perpendicular to the yellow dashed lines but again at specific angles of interest.

The image below is beyond amazing. At about the twelve o’clock position near the top is a yellow numeral 1. Clockwise thru the center of two small red circles in the hexagon and near the right edge is a yellow numeral 2. Reflected off the inside yellow curvature and down to six o’clock position is a yellow numeral 3. Reflected off the bottom curvature up tangent to one small circle to the center red circle is yellow numeral 4.  Noting that this nearly made a loop, the process was started over at the center with a magenta numeral 1, tangent to two small red circles to magenta numeral 2 near the 3 o’clock position.

Perfectly reflected down to near the six o’clock position is the magenta 3 tangent to the small red circle.

A similar pattern is marked in cyan numeral 1 at 8 o’clock position.  Going counter-clockwise to near 3 o’clock position is the cyan numeral 2 and back  to the tangent of the earth circle is cyan numeral 3.  Cyan numeral 4 is at the mid-point of the radius where the dashed yellow line crosses and cyan numeral 5 is at the center of the earth circle.  This is obviously some message written in geometry but what it is will be found later.

All of these events are perfectly drawn in the ACAD system and seem to fit very precisely with the photo image.

The construction of the disk appears to be a bronze (copper + tin) shield with dimples stamped quite precisely and then super-heated molten gold poured into the dimple. This allows the gold to stick to the bronze and form nearly a perfect small circle or near circle ellipse.

It is not clear at this time why some of the contacts are tangential and some at the center of the gold circle. But it is clear that the layout is extremely precise although obviously not done by a machine like a computer guided milling machine. This artistic event was created under the influence of somebody with something like savant-like capabilities.

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